Thursday, 18 July 2013

I want to be known to be me

As how the title states, I want to be known to be me and learn to be more appreciative of what I have now. I often fancy and envy of how others are so good with their life and it's like how their life are so perfect it seems the way I want it to be. However, I learnt something today that others may show their highlights of their lives be it on instagram/facebook/twitter and we may think they are living in a perfect world with no flaws or obstacles but nobody knows what hardship they have been through behind the scenes. It is hard sometimes to not to be not obsessed with someone's else lives and wanting to be them but I thought to myself, I am here living my own life and I don't wanna to try so hard to be someone else which I know I can't be of. God created us the way he wanted us to be and all of us are unique in one way or the other and I am sure he have plans for me and you. So, lets start appreciating what we have and not dwell on what we don't have as this will make us more happier. :)

PS Thank God for I have learnt something today and reflect on myself!

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