Tuesday, 1 October 2013


Hi Guys, some overdue posts to be blog today. Basically some highlights in the month of September. It's already the month of October, speaking of which time really flies! Anyway about 2 weeks ago, I went to IKEA and I am really happy to go to IKEA every time! Ok, mainly it's because of the food there, I really love IKEA meatballs and usually I go there I would order at least 15pcs plus I love their fish nuggets as well! I am not a fan of their chicken wings though because I don't feel that it taste extremely yummy but however many people would settle for that. Anyway, meatballs there is the main thing! Oh yes! I do love their 50 cents vanilla cone as well. Basically I love buying it because I pay at the cashier and I would receive this token to be slot into the machine and therefore, we can see the process of the vanilla ice cream being dispensed out of the machine, it is rather cool and being in the queue, I can't stop staring at how it works. I wanted to take a video of it but there were many people behind me and so I dropped the idea but maybe next time if I can to go on a weekday, I would try to take a video of it since I think going on the weekday would be less crowded right? haha.

IKEA meatballs | 2 Pcs Chicken Wings | Smoked Salmon ($4.90) | Cheese Cake | $1 refillable drink
Btw, there's this $2 hotdog combo meal includes a hotdog bread, vanilla cone and a cup of soft drink and it only cost freaking $2?! Mad worth it!!

Oh, I love the IKEA soft toys section as well! Look at those cute carrots and broccolis! So cute right, can't resist and had to take a picture with them. Pardon my unsightly split fringe urgh.

THIS, the legendary 50 cents ice-cream only can be found at IKEA. Even Macdonald's vanilla cone are more expensive! #insane

Mad loving this Audrey Hepburn portrait. Now I really wish I had my own room instead of sharing the room with my brothers ):
Btw, this cost SGD 99! Expensive but I guess for the size, it's still worth it.

My mini black bag (A gift from my poly clique!) Love it because it matches with almost any clothes! And, I love the chain to it too.

My nails on that day | Stripes | Polka Dots | Small flower 
DIY-ed myself, didn't think the stripe looks good though :/ but that's because its hand drawn free handedly. I will try to use tape to line the lines next time so it will be neater. 

And yeap! That's all for this post! This post is a short one that's because I will schedule another post to be up tmr (It's another september highlight), so stay tuned! xx 

Much Love,

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