Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Figured Out

Hello, how's your day? Basically, today I just want to blog about what is on my mind lately and relating to the title "Figure Out". There are many things I regret doing such as always purchasing online stuff like a mad monster last time, I figured it out despite how many clothes, shoes, accessories I buy, none of these can really make me happy. I realized after a period of time, things like my clothes, shoes, accessories can never satisfy the emptiness in me, not only that lots of money are being wasted as a result of this which I actually could put these money to better use. I figured out huge amount and pretty clothes doesn't make oneself pretty, instead how you groom yourself and pick out pieces of clothes that really suits you well enough. I learnt not to blindly follow the trend and always thinking any trending clothes will make me prettier because if I don't do anything to improve myself, regardless of how many nice clothes I've got none of them would make me pretty. So one good thing I have learnt this time round is to stop buying clothes just because they are in trend but to pick out clothes that will really suit your style because at the end of the day I will want to be comfortable in the clothes I wear too. Occasionally, it can be good to be keeping up with the trend and if that trend are really what you like, I mean why not, just go for it. But, here I am typing out this post is to remind myself not to be obsess with what everyone has in their life, I just need to be me and that's enough. Now, I would rather try to save up my money and see more of the way as well as catching my dreams. I am still learning in the midst and will continue to improve myself as an individual.

Here's a quote: "Nature gives you the face you have at 20, but it's up to you to merit the face you have at 50." - Coco Chanel

Share with me your thoughts? Till then!

Much Love,

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