Friday, 5 July 2013

Hello there!

Hello there! Its been a long time since I last updated this little space of mine. Currently, I am busy with my school internship thus I am blogging less often now. My entire life just revolves around internship now and I am getting real sick of it, except for weekends for I am able to rest. Just to update what's interesting this week was to be able to meet up with my poly clique and celebrated one of our friend's 19th birthday. It was a simple dinner plus chit chat session with this clique, missed them because I haven been seeing them since internship starts and everybody are busy with their own internship and their own lives. Really hoping my internship will end soon because I am really bored sometimes (ok, maybe not sometimes but most of the time there). Have been finding opportunities to go out on every weekend because I can't stand myself staying at home for long, but irony was that I tried staying at home for 3 days without going out before (Oh wow, like how could I have done that).
Was passing by an old lady who sells household stuffs like food cans, cereals, rice etc etc and I remember hearing her plight on facebook page. Seeing her along the streets with her head bend down and hoping someone could just buy from her was just heartbreaking. I then took the initiative to buy one pack of instant cereal from her which cost me $5, it was pricey but worth it to be able to lend a helping hand to her. I was thinking that this $5 would mean nothing to those passer-bys on the streets, but however this $5 could mean so much to her (probably she could use it and buy herself a warm meal). I am really hoping that if you saw her on the street at orchard road, maybe you can just help by buying one of her stuff that she is selling (you need not purchase many from her but one will do even a tissue paper from her, Im sure it will definitely help her a lot). And for your information, she can be seen near the traffic outside mandarin gallery towards H&M. If you happen to pass by her and see her, don't mind stopping and help her buy one of her stuffs as kindness really goes a long way. Lets spread the love and warmth around and make Singapore a better place. :) Sincerely thanks to you all.
See you guys soon and have a great weekend y'all! xx

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